As a “Dreamer” and until the day I can fulfill that dream I will share the first real dream and the secondary one is the one I am slowly working toward. That being said… the dream…

” Out of the blue some one contacts me and says ” Hello mate! I understand your dream is to cruise the world and see whats over the next wave. Your problem is you don’t have a boat or the cursing kitty or the experience to do it. Well I am the Wave Wishes Fairy and (most expect Poof but” SPLASH, here is your dream come true…. Off shore sailing lessons, a boat (cat preferred) and enough of a sailing kitty for that 2-3 year trip. And I will also give you the date that this will happen, it is…..”

And that’s when I wake up each and every time.

Privilege 4.5

(Photo credit Privlege manufactures website)

Ok Lets talk dreams and start adding posts….